Realize your painting project with Foil Solutions

As a painting company, you are often reluctant to paint aluminum, pvc or facade panels It is simply not that easy to paint without streaks from brushes, and in addition, paint coverage is also a challenge on these surfaces. We work closely with various painting companies throughout the country. Through these collaborations we make it possible to offer a sustainable and good alternative to customers. Foil instead of painting is also maintenance-free for the next ten years.

For more information, please contact us.

The advantages

Our films can solve numerous (visual) defects

Our films are immediately opaque

Quickly and easily transform almost any kind of surface

Sustainable alternative to painting

Use is often faster and cheaper than other solutions

Our films give a streak-free result

About Foil Solutions

Foil Solutions is a specialist in exterior and interior films for windows, doors, panels, interiors, solar control glass film and security film, among others. Film application is an innovative and more than excellent alternative to traditional painting, spray painting or coating systems. You can think of it as painting, but with film.

For more information, please contact us.

Do you have a project for Foil Solutions?

With Foil Solutions you can count on 20 years of experience and a driven and flexible team, working in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. As a painting company, Foil Solutions gives you the freedom to bring grand ideas to life quickly and affordably. Do you have a project for Foil Solutions? Contact us with no obligation and we may soon be happy to roll out our film for you!

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We are closed from December 21st to January 5th, 2025.
We will be available again from January 6th!